Giving Now

In Acts 20:35 we read the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Recently I read about a successful businessman spent the last few decades of his life doing all he could to give away his fortune. A multibillionaire, he donated cash to a variety of causes. The man said, “I believe strongly in giving while living. I see little reason to delay giving. . . Besides, it’s a lot more fun to give while you live than to give while you’re dead.” Give while you live—what an amazing attitude to have.

As Christians we have so much to give.  We have the gospel of Jesus Christ, so needed by the world.  We have the love of God to show to people who live and never know love. We have the truth of God to share with a world filled with lies. We have opportunities to help people who are in desperate need of help. We can give to help missionaries who are seeking to share Christ with the world. We can give financially to help many worthy causes.

The question we need to ask ourselves is, Are we giving while we can give?  Procrastination is the thief of accomplishing so much.  We want to give but are so busy “getting” the things we feel we must have while we have the time to get that we miss the opportunities God gives us to give.

Be alert to the working of God’s Spirit in you and find ways to be giving.