Children's Ministry
Learn About The Children's Ministry At Leon Valley Baptist Church
Our Children’s Ministry here at LVBC is designed to glorify God in all that we do while discipling your children through our many weekly and yearly activities. We do this by teaching them the truth found in the Bible and helping them learn how to respond in faith.
Sunday Activities
Children's Church
Children’s Church is an opportunity for your children to worship and learn at their age level. At 10:30am, all children ages 4 through 4th grade begin in the sanctuary with their parents to encourage participation in the worship service. Then just before the preaching, the children will be dismissed for Children’s Church.
Children’s church takes place in our gym which is located on our church property. Parents can pick them up directly after the morning service.

We understand that you would like to get as much as possible out of church and that can be hard with babies and toddlers to take care of. We try to help take that load off your shoulders by providing nursery care during our church services. You can worship in peace knowing that your children will be taken care of by well-prepared staff and kept in a very clean environment.
Our nursery services are provided for newborn to 3 years old.
Sunday School
Sunday School starts at 9:30am on Sunday Mornings. In these classes, your child is taught basic Bible stories in a fun and engaging way as well as how to apply these truths to their lives today. We strive to not only help your children know more about God, but to love Him as well.
Classes for 4-year-old children through the 5th grade in our gym and rear school building.

Kid's Club Wednesday Nights At 7:00PM

Kid's Club
Kid’s Club is a safe and fun time of Bible teachings, snacks and games.
Our goal for Kid’s Club is to teach the truth of biblical accounts, not just Bible “stories”. We believe that teaching personal application of God’s Word and the sharing of God’s good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ will lead children to salvation and grow strong character and leaders for the future of the work of God.
Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Yearly Activities
Every year we provide two great events for children!
Vacation Bible School
More info for next year’s VBS coming soon!

Junior Camp
Next summer camp – June 13-16, 2022
We encourage all kids to participate in our summer trip to help them grow closer to God in a fun, Godly, and safe environment away from the many distractions of daily life.
Junior Camp is for all kids in 3rd through the 7th grade and takes place at the Southland Christian Camp, ( in Ringgold, LA.