
Our Ministries At LVBC

We want to help you and your family find a place where you feel loved, cared for, and encouraged as you follow Jesus. We have a variety of ministries for all ages and stages of life, and are excited to connect you and your family in your faith journey.


Children's Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry here at LVBC is designed to glorify God in all that we do while discipling your children through our many weekly and yearly activities. We do this by teaching them the truth found in the Bible and helping them learn how to respond in faith.

Youth Ministry

The LVBC Youth Ministry strives to help teens believe from experience that living for Jesus in today’s world is both vital and FUN. This is done through relevant Bible teaching, encouraging community, exciting games, and activities.


Adult Ministry

The Adult Ministry at LVBC seeks to provide opportunities for our adult members to grow in faith, to find their place of mission, and to build community.

Through engagement with Scripture, theological reflection, communal discernment, exploring our variety of gifts, spending time in prayer and meditation, and developing spiritual friendships, we seek to transform ourselves and our communities with the love of God made known to us in Jesus.


Here at LVBC, we are passionate about missions. We proudly support missionaries serving around the world on an ongoing basis.

The Logic of Missions: We face a humanity that is too precious to neglect. We know a remedy for the ills of the world too wonderful to withhold. We have a Christ who is too glorious to hide. We have an adventure that is too thrilling to miss.


Bridge to Campus

Maranatha Bible University makes the Christian college experience more accessible and affordable through the Bridge to Campus program which is available here at Leon Valley Baptist Church. The Bridge to Campus program offers you an opportunity to begin your degree.

Start your college experience close to home, connect with like-minded students, and learn from mentors who care about your spiritual development and academic success.


Come learn about God in your language!  Our Deaf ministry was established in 1998 with help from missionary Jon Barr (Silent Word Ministries SWM Home – Silent Word).

We invite all Deaf people to come worship God with us.  Sunday morning, we meet for Deaf Bible class at 9:30.



Our Spanish ministry which began on November 7th of 2021, was started to increase our reach into our community. San Antonio has an enormous hispanic/latino population with many of them desiring an all Spanish church service and we are here to provide that for them.

We are one united church serving the Lord together and growing in Christ together. By offering services in English, ASL, and Spanish to our community, God can use us to reach even more for Christ.

Spanish Sunday Morning Service begin at 10:30 am

Spanish Wednesday Evening Service begins at 7:00 pm